Some time back I signed up as a backer over at Kickstarter for the BAUX pen. They are custom machined aluminum pens that uses BIC Wavelength parts. They come in different colors plus the ones I have which are the plain aluminum color. The two that I received were the first two sent out and we thank Dan Conti founder and inventor of the BAUX pen for getting the first two delivered to the supply room. They come with or without a grip. As you can see I received one of each. Each pen order comes with a plastic rod for both the BIC pen and the BAUX pen so you can remove the plug at the end of the pens. Thin rod is for the BAUX pen and the larger one is for the standard BIC Wavelength. Color combinations as you can see are endless. BIC advertising pens come in hundreds of variations. The four BICs on the right are the new BIC Round Stic Grips. The bottom BAUX pen in the picture now has a glow in the dark cap and plug while the other is a classic blue. Now that I have had time to use them both I think I like the grip BAUX pen better. All the backers get their pens first but I would think you will soon be able to buy these great pens. Add them to your BIC collection.

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