We showed you the Papermate Rolli Bolli, the Chuckler pen holders some time back and now we have the green Papermate froggy. All of these pen holders came with new Papermate Malibu pens. This is another one of those 70s Papermate desk pen holders and I do not know how many different ones were made. I have been lucky because all of these holders look like they have never been used and since I took this picture I have added another green froggy. This one did not have a pen so I added a Papermate Contour Rally which will do just fine in the new froggy. This new froggy will show up in future posts. The other two carded pens in the picture are nice additions to the collection. The yellow pen is a retractable ball point pen and the blue pen is regular stick ball point. These two pens are dated 1972. Add all these great items to your collection. 

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