Here are some items that I used in the Army that I bought. Top left are a collection of Hazel notebooks that I got over the years. They were sold through the PX. To the right is a notebook with the quartermaster emblem on the front that I got at Ft Lee Virgina. Far right is a new notebook made by Dayrunner in the new camouflage pattern. These notebooks come in many sizes and are used by our deploying troops. Above on the right is a home made holder for 3x5 cards. You also have a Saddam voo doo doll and a medal given to us by Saudi Arabia. The medal is not cheap. Bottom left is a small 3 ring notebook called the commander. Paper is about 3x5". You could carry 3 pens on the front and the notebook would and did fix in your leg cargo pocket. Bottom right is a sand camouflage note book with a zipper. This notebook saw some action during Desert Storm. Had it with me all the time. Size of paper was about 5 x 8". Patch was added once I got home. Last we have a Parker pen and pencil set in green camo and a sand camo Parker vector roller.

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