This past week I was visiting my local Staples and I saw that they had some Cross pens on display for Christmas. In the display I picked out this nice navy blue pen with a black pocket clip and black top. The Word Cross is in white on the pocket clip. I had started many years ago collecting these thin Cross ball points so this blue got my attention but since I did not have my reading glasses with me, I missed the name of the pen which is Cross Click. When I got home I opened the box and started twisting. This is the new Cross Click pen so twisting is out. Just click the top and out comes the point. Cross did a good job on this pen. It writes great and it comes with two extra gel refills and a velvet pouch to keep it in. These refills are different from the standard Cross Ball Point Pen refill. All this for $20.00. My first Christmas present of the year. Go by Staples and get yourself one.