Monday, June 8, 2009

BIC Pens

We just do hear much about BIC Pens anymore. Recent posts have talked about the new BIC Triumph refillable pen which is a good one but for collectors I believe you must go back to the BIC Crystal which has been around since the 50s. My collection centers on the BICs made overseas. BIC Pens are very popular in other countries with a large selection of inks and styles. Here on the left are some current ones from around the world. Starting on the left you have the Yellow fine point from Mexico, Yellow fine point from England, The next three are from France. Next three are from Italy and the last two are from Brazil. On the right side you have some from the USA starting with the original BIC Clic, two BIC 4 colors, Newer version of the BIC Clic, Green Crystal that you do not see anymore and I am not sure where it is from, BIC Shimmer, BIC Style, two solid color BICs and a BIC Accountant which I just found the other day. BICs should be in your collection.


  1. my boss is a Bic Crystal fan and I brought her a package of Crystals in different colors, including green, from Vienna a couple yrs ago. I like them for the iconic value, but really can't write with them. the ink is too inconsistent.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I picked up a box of Bic Orange fine point pens from an oversees seller on Ebay. I'm glad to see those pens once again since they haven't been available in the US for a long time.

  4. Ooooh, I remember the yellow-barreled pens pictured at the left. Really like those!

  5. does any one know where to get the red 4 color one from im DESPARATE for it

  6. Poo, Need more info on the red pen. Email me at
