Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Pentel Collection

Here is my Pentel collection. As always I have left some out. My Smash pen and pencil set, A red R-4 roller, my clicroller RC26 and a few others. To many shelves to check. The plastic lead holder rack on the right does have other makes in it but I have to keep the lead and erasers somewhere. I have been collecting Pentel since the 70s and they are one of my favorites. My collection is nothing like over at pencils 11 but we do try. The Pentel cases were a lucky find and do make it easy to store many of the pen and pencils.

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  1. do you own a mechanical pencil named PA5 or PA9 (the last number showing lead diameter) or something like that? I have the latter and I'm trying to track it down, as no information is available on this one.

  2. I SOOOO want those 2 Pentel displays. If anyone sees either one available, please let me know. :)

    You need more George. hehehe. Kudos, looks great.

  3. The displays are nice. Together they hold 120 pens or pencils.

  4. So, I would need 6 of them? :D~

  5. I'm so jealous. That is an amazing collection. My Pentel collection is only a fraction of that right now, and I definitely don't have the cool shelving!

  6. that all you pencil? plenty of it... love it...

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